My Rescue Dog, Pepper
Pepper Becoming humorously, tenderly, and sometimes painfully recounts the unlikely true story of two kindred souls — a dog no one wanted and a man not interested in owning a dog— helping each other navigate life’s challenges.
Abandoned by her owners 15 miles from her home, she was dirty, diseased, and emaciated when seized by the police off of the streets of New York. Scheduled to be euthanized at a municipal pound after her owners refused to claim her, she was adopted, returned, and again scheduled to be euthanized. Finally rescued by a no-kill shelter, she lived in a cage for nearly two years while deteriorating emotionally and behaviorally.
With predestination in the air, her path crossed with a novice dog trainer (the author) seeking to improve his skills by volunteering at the shelter that housed her.
Despite her distrust of people, and his disinterest in the responsibilities of dog ownership, they immediately bonded and embarked on a nine-year journey that would change them, and those whose lives they graced, forever
In Sept of 2007, she was seized by the police on a street corner approximately 15 miles from her home and brought to a municipal shelter. The only ID she carried was a rabies tag hanging from a tattered collar. Through the tag ID number, the municipal shelter, a “kill” shelter, identified her owners and made repeated, unsuccessful attempts to contact them. Their lack of response confirmed the shelter’s suspicions that she had been abandoned 15 miles from her home. How long she had been a stray is anyone’s guess. After her owners didn’t respond, she was scheduled to be euthanized.
Fortunately, in the nick of time, she was adopted. Unfortunately, due to being heart worm positive and because of several behavioral issues, one week later she was returned to the shelter. She was again placed on the euthanization list.
Again, she avoided that fate when she was rescued by a no-kill shelter.
The good news was that they nursed her back to physical health; the bad news was that she lived there for 22 months and received next to no training (with the only training being administered by a very heavy handed shelter trainer); zero life enrichment; and no behavior modification, as she became increasingly aggressive, while developing a host of behavior problems including object guarding; reactivity to strangers and other dogs; separation anxiety; body touch reactivity, and severe thunder phobia.

My rescue dog, Pepper.
On the left, at the shelter, on the right, in my backyard some months later.

I was volunteering my time at the shelter and got to know her. She rarely made eye contact with me (or anyone else) and was clearly in a downward spiral but we somehow connected. I would sneak her to a secluded part of the shelter for training (lest we were caught by the shelter’s trainer, who once referred to her as having a “screw loose” and being “untrainable”) and while there I slowly/gently clicker trained her to make eye contact, perform solid “sit stays” and to even perform tricks, like jumping over tree branches while I held them.
In May of 2009 I adopted her. From day one, we began to work together on modifying her shelter survival behaviors and replacing them with ones that suited a happy and safe home environment. We did so without the use of heavy handed, “correction” based training methods. Instead, I utilized positive reinforcement training techniques. It wasn’t easy as she bit me twice within the first week after I adopted her and also landed me in the hospital for knee cartilage surgery after lunging at another dog that was easily 100 feet away from us while we were on a walk.
Today, all the “problem” behaviors have been resolved. I tell her, often, that I marvel at her ability to change. She is even much less afraid of thunder storms than she used to be, (read about how we achieved this, here) which is a good thing, now that we live in Cary, NC.
It has been a wonderful (not always easy) ride. Below is a picture of her with my good friend and world renowned trainer, Dr. Ian Dunbar. Also, one of her training videos is part of the education program for veterinarians at NC State. From being a stray on the streets, to hanging with Ian and helping veterinary students learn – I’m darn proud of this “untrainable” dog.
The moral of the story is that dogs, even those with behavioral issues, can be coached to replace their unwanted behaviors with acceptable ones and that this can be achieved without the use of force, so long as we are dedicated and knowledgeable about how we interact with them.
Taoist teachings state that “Nothing exists. All things are Becoming” And so it was with this troubled dog. She just needed a chance to “become”.
Videos of Pepper
Pepper enjoying her first romp in the snow.
(my original music as the soundtrack)
Pepper, who used to respond to “come” with a look that said “let me check my schedule and get back to you” responding to a sound I make as one of my ways of calling her to come.
Pepper does her favorite trick “Ding the bell” After completing it, since she figures she has me trained (which is exactly
what we want dogs to think) to give her a treat for dinging the bell, she goes back a second time, without being prompted. Mission accomplished.
Shows my “Heads Up” cue. It’s very useful on walks if you want to have your dog focus his/her attention on you and not something else, like another dog who’s behaving badly. Note, no choker, prong, or shock collars.
Also notice how happy and bright eyed she looks. That’s one of the many upsides to positive reinforcement dog training and puppy training.
A combination of a solid “sit stay” and a recall as she leaves the food behind (the bowl next to her contains chicken, scrambled eggs and bacon) to come to me when called. Upon arrival I reward her with a helping of what was in the bowl and then we go back to the bowl to allow her to take what she has worked for. Dog training at it’s best occurs when both dog or puppy and owner are having fun.
Proofing Pepper’s “sit stay” cue against a major distraction – her favorite tennis ball. Always remember, with your puppy training or dog training, to adjust your criteria slowly so that both you and your puppy/dog can succeed.
A typical start to the day for Pepps. Amazing that this dog didn’t know “sit” when I first brought her home, now starts her days with Easter Egg hunts and agility. By the way, I didn’t teach her how to use her Kong without using her paws. She taught that one to herself.
Teaching a new behavior requires patience. In this video, you’ll see Pepper processing information in my Cary backyard, as she learns a new behavior. You’ll also note that all my dog training with her is positive reinforcement. Note how happy she looks. She wouldn’t look that happy if I was using force or pain to train her. Positive reinforcement is the only way to provide dog training and puppy training.
Proofing Pepper’s stay cue in our Cary backyard. Note the use of four cues linked together at the end. It’s always good to link cues in succession. Note that dog training and puppy training should be fun. Positive reinforcement training yields the best results and doesn’t harm your dog’s emotional wellness.
A Tribute to Pepper who passed in August of 2017
From our amazing Veterinarian, Dr. Elizabeth Williams who visited us weekly for over a year to help Pepps with acupuncture and physical therapy:
I feel truly blessed that I was able to be a part of yours and Pepper’s life for the last year. To witness the human-animal bond at its finest.
We are so lucky to be able to enjoy these animals as they were created. You, especially, have learned to appreciate what a dog truly is and how they truly are our best of friends. No questions, no judgement (well Pepper may have judged a little 😉
I wish I could have seen you and her in your heyday. I bet it was something. I get little glimpses on your website and in the videos you have sent me. I see that relationship and know it was a work of art, love and trust (and a lot of chicken)
I wish more people could experience the purity of a dog loving relationship like you did. I wish more dogs got to feel as safe and secure as she did the latter half of her life. Even though she had he Pepperisms, these were born of her nature and some were a result of the first part of her life. You accepted these quirks and instead of pushing her outside her comfort zone, you brought that zone to her. This is special and worth noting. So many times we want them to conform to our lives without regard to their real feelings and worries. They have them.
Always remember Pepper’s zest or life, her spunk and her attitude and embody it when needed!!
I will miss you both. Always stay in touch and thank you again for trusting me with your dear one.